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Shri. Sungandhrao P. Umap (President)

“Dreams, Determination and Dedication are the stepping stone of success. So, dare to dream and have a courage to pursue it.”

  Really, dreams are rare, valuable & difficult to achieve especially in the Drought. Prone Tehsil like shirur who had seen the terrible droughts in 1967 & 1972.These droughts taught many lessons to society. These droughts gave many sufferings to the society especially of education. Throughout these suffering, we friends including vice-president, secretary and all the other youngsters decided to give facilities to the village Jategaon (BkII). In our village also we got some helping hands and joined with us. So, we decided to start educational institute & that was the birth of SGGP Jategaon BkII. Initially, we started secondary school, in 1999 Junior college and in 2008 senior college. Step by step we marched ahead for education. Why these steps? The answer is college education is one of the most important investments you will ever make. It paves the path for your future. It transform you from student into a professional one. So, we have started a senior college of professional courses like BBA(C.A.), B.Sc(C.S.), These professional courses change youth to the adultness, traditional to Management and Mainly Responsible citizen of his/her family & society at large. College education is not just about acquiring a degree, it is about to learn management skill and to acquire knowledge that will become the Building block in a successful career, Simultaneously that will shape your personality into a holistic & a responsible citizen. During these 3 years of education at Jijamata Senior College, We have tried many facilities like all classrooms, library, with 20,000 books ,Separate cultural hall& water filters, separate sports ground & specially girls hostel. All these facilities available in affordable fees. Jijamata senior college has produced good academics & sports records every year .Now in future, we hope surpass to your expectation & you will enjoy the holistic academic journey with us. I am proud of all we have been able to accomplish together.

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